7 Essential Needs For Child Health and Nutrition


Nutrition for kids is extremely crucial as childhood is a time of speedy growth, maturity and progress. This is also a significant period for robust tooth development and avoidance of decay. The importance of childhood nutrition lies in the fact that regular eating practices and habits are developed during the initial formative years of life. 

All parents must have heard that children should consume a balanced diet. It is mandatory to know the perfect balance of every nutrient. Here are the seven essential needs that every child should be provided daily:


1. Protein

According to a leading nutrition program in California, protein assists a child's body to build cells, break down food into energy, combat infection, and fetch oxygen. Foods comprising of high protein levels are found in the following:

  • Dairy products

  • Nuts

  • Beans

  • Eggs

  • Fish

  • Poultry

  • Meat

2. Calcium

A team conducting nutrition coaching in California suggests calcium as an essential nutrient to help in developing a child's healthy bones and teeth. It also significantly facilitates blood clotting and nerve, muscle, and heart function. Foods comprising of high levels of calcium include the following:

  • Milk

  • Cheeses

  • Yoghurt

  • Broccoli

  • Spinach

  • Tofu

  • Ice cream

  • Egg yolks

3. Fats

Is fat consumption bad for our health? Most of us feel so. But it is not so in case of child health and nutrition. According to a weight loss plan in California, fats are an important energy source for kids and are essentially preserved in a child's body. They also significantly help the body to properly utilize some of the other nutrients it requires. Foods containing high-fat levels include the following:

  • Cooking oils

  • Whole-milk dairy products

  • Nuts

  • Meat

  • Fish

4. Carbohydrates

As the latest trend in the diet is cut the carbs, carbohydrates are the body's most significant energy source. They aid a child's body to apply fat and protein to build and repair tissue. Carbohydrates are available in many various forms (sugars, starches, and fibre), but kids must consume more of the starches and fibres and less of the sugar. Foods that feature high levels of carbohydrates include the following:

  • Rice

  • Loaves of bread

  • Cereals

  • Potatoes

  • Crackers

  • Pasta

5. Folate

Folate is compulsory for pregnant women as well as kids. One of the B vitamins, folate is required for healthy growth and development of a child's cells. Deficiency of this vitamin can lead to anaemia. Foods comprising of high levels of folate include the following:

  • Spinach

  • Black or kidney beans

  • Brussels sprouts

  • Whole-grain cereals

  • Lentils

  • Chickpeas

  • Asparagus

6. Iron

Iron is indispensable for a child to form healthy blood that supplies oxygen to cells all over the body. Foods that consist of high levels of iron includes the following:

  • Whole grains

  • Beans

  • Nuts

  • Iron-fortified cereals

  • Red meats

  • Liver

  • Poultry

  • Shellfish

7. Fibre

Fibre facilitates bowel production regularity in a child. It also plays a crucial role in lessening the chances of heart disease and cancer later in life. Foods containing high levels of fibre include the following:

  • Lentils

  • Whole-grain cereals

  • Chickpeas

  • Nuts

  • Kidney beans

  • Seeds

The importance of proper nutrition is relevant to every age. Your kids require proper nutrients to remain healthy and strong and grow up as healthy and strong adults. Ideal nutritional habits among children can also help establish a foundation for healthy eating habits and nutritional concept that your child can follow throughout his/her life.


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